"Homeschooling" was practiced in the state of Florida only in private schools until 1985, then the Florida legislature invited students to register publicly with the state. Many private schools remained open for enrollment to continue this "parent directed" model with the added benefits of privacy and one-on-one support.
There are two ways you can enroll in homeschooling:
1. Enrolling in Family Tree Private School (School Profile) is one option to register as a homeschooler. Family Tree Private School provides homeschoolers with Report Cards, Transcripts and Diplomas and many other benefits including privacy, one-on-one support, choice of curricula, official documentation, high-school credit for hobbies and working in a homebased business and free classes and programs designed for private school students. * Click here for our School Profile. * Click Here for Fees. * Read our School Introduction and Philosophy. * Click Here to request an Enrollment Application.
2. Enrolling with the district is the other option to register and it is free. Our students enjoy the same homeschool support groups and activities as districtly enrolled homeschoolers and are strongly encouraged join their local groups! Family Tree Private School students are not considered "homeschoolers" but are considered 100% private school students for all intents and purposes of the law.
Family Tree Private School maintains numerous professional affiliations for academic involvement, such as The Florida Department of Education, Florida Virtual School, the College Board, dual enrollment programs, the Florida Parent Educators Association and more.
You do not interact with the district, don't answer their questions nor submit any information or tests to them. Refer any official that comes in contact with you to the school director.
There are many great choices of homeschooling curricula to choose from, and you are free to mix and match what you feel works best with your student's learning style.
Official Documentation to validate academic progress is important for students, families and institutions. We provide students with Report Cards, Transcripts and Diplomas to share with family and for transfers. We also verify GPAs that help reduce car insurance rates and verify enrollment for work or other programs.
You will have one-on-one support with Nancy Moral to guide you in everything from behavior motivation, testing, choosing your curricula and activities or college/career counseling.
Students earn high school credit for activities they pursue under their parent's direction that align with Benchmarks which will fulfill high school credit requirements.
6. Access to classes, such as Florida Virtual School, dual enrollment, etc.
Students of Family Tree Private School can apply for dual enrollment programs open to all private school students in Florida. Classes completed are submitted to Family Tree Private School and are included on the student's transcript.